Movie -- A Place to Stay

How can one go wrong with a movie with crop circles? Well, maybe by not making it available in the U.S.
I've heard it is a great movie. Can't wait for it to get to the U.S. Just hope it does eventually or I'll have to travel to the U.K. and rent it there. (Not that this option is necessarily a bad option...)
A new circle

OK, so I don't know how long it has been 'out there' but I just spotted it so it is new to me. Thought you might enjoy it too.
Another day/week/month
So, why is it that things can seem so obvious to one person and sound like greek to another? Today's lesson is collaboration. It's not rocket science, folks. I'm thinking we have become way too competetive for our own good. Quit trying to hog the spotlight, people, and figure out a way to work together.
And make time to read Carlos Castenada.
Obviously, I'm too tired to be blogging so just read the book and get back to me when I'm coherent.
Remember to always ask yourself, what could generate this level of animosity. Ever read the book, "Have you hugged a monster today"? (Or something like that??) Anyway, monsters do not spontaneously come into being. They are born of maltreatment, hatred, emotional abuse, etc. etc. etc.
I knew a woman once who was an incredible social worker. No one could have cared more for the families she worked with. But a system beat her down until she could barely get up again. I've lost touch with her over the years---don't even know if she is still in social work. Doesn't matter, the point is, she was a nice person, a good social worker who was destroyed by a callous, uncaring system. And if that system treated it's representatives that way, how do you suppose it treated the families?
What is wrong with people anyway? I am so anxious for 2012. I hope we have evolved by then. I hope the Mayans are right.
I'm trying to make sense of this and maybe someone can help out here. Why is it, that we humans feel compelled to kill each other? Is there any other species that kills its' own as much as we do? OK, I can think of a few that do so for the sake of domintation or self-preservation. So I guess we are no different than some of these animals. If that's the case, why were we given these incredible brains and the ability to feel compassion and empathy if we were just going to kill each other off anyway? One would think we could use these gifts to find a better way to inter-relate. But I guess not since throughout history, we have killed one another. And amazingly, we often do it under the guise of love---love of one's god or country or some other idealology.
If you happened to stumble on this and have some brilliant answers, please share them with the rest of the world before we kill everyone off!
OK, I meant to post something before this aired but didn't get to it. There was a program called 'Signs' that aired last weekend on TNT or USA or something like that. I saw previews with something about crop circles. Meant to try to watch but didn't get the chance--what with going technology-free and all.
So now I'm wondering if I missed anything worthwhile. A day late and a dollar that the way it goes??
Insurance companies
OK, I said I was going to try to find something positive and I'm sure I will. Some day. But I feel compelled to comment first on out of control insurance companies.
The company that provides my prescription coverage is now trying to tell me that I don't need the medication that my doctor says I need. They suggested a variety of alternatives. All tried; none work; some made matters worse.
So their next brilliant idea is to have me go through a series of horrible tests every three months to re-evaluate whether or not I can be on a cheaper drug. The tests cost several hundred dollars. And I've been through them and they truly are nasty tests to endure. So I should go through them on a regular basis, at a cost of several hundred dollars, so my prescription insurance carrier can save around a hundred dollars every three months.
Is this insane or what?! I'm thinking socialized medicine is looking better all the time!