Insurance companies
OK, I said I was going to try to find something positive and I'm sure I will. Some day. But I feel compelled to comment first on out of control insurance companies.
The company that provides my prescription coverage is now trying to tell me that I don't need the medication that my doctor says I need. They suggested a variety of alternatives. All tried; none work; some made matters worse.
So their next brilliant idea is to have me go through a series of horrible tests every three months to re-evaluate whether or not I can be on a cheaper drug. The tests cost several hundred dollars. And I've been through them and they truly are nasty tests to endure. So I should go through them on a regular basis, at a cost of several hundred dollars, so my prescription insurance carrier can save around a hundred dollars every three months.
Is this insane or what?! I'm thinking socialized medicine is looking better all the time!
Current events...
There are so many troubling things going on now that all I can do is list the current events and hope to get back to provide more detail/thoughts later....
1. Gas prices---HELLO!
2. War and possibility of more. Do we really need to go around killing each other???
3. New Orleans. Have we learned NOTHING??
4. Family friendly workplaces (or lack thereof). My personal (& current event) soapbox...
5. Reality TV. It's enough to convince me to pitch the thing altogether!
6. When will Tibet be free?!
I'll slink away now to try to find the positive. If I don't come up for air in the next 20 years, you'll know it was a futile effort. Yes, I'll start with my attitude...
Cut me some slack; it's been a tough few months!
It has been awhile since I touched my blog. Some of you know that the past few months have been rather, well, tumultuous, to say the least. But I'm trying to pick myself up, dust myself off, and get on with things.
So, this blog started about crop circles so in that spirit, I feel compelled to comment on a new trend. I stumbled on it when looking for the crop circle I had seen in Seattle awhile back. Never found it but did find that there is a trend in advertising now to use crop circles. Someone in Idaho won an award for a crop circle advertising campaign. So maybe this means we will be seeing more of them. Who knows.
I'll go hunting for some examples to add to my blog.
Good day All!

You know I would have to use a computer related crop circle.....